Some years ago, our founder Benedikt Sessler was studying Electric and Information Engineering and attending a lecture about some simple circuits. But he did not get the concept of this simple circuit, only because he did not see which of the voltage curves shown in that lecture are for which nodes.
That is when he developed the concept of inserting graphical elements into the circuit diagram in order to represent voltages. He drew them into his paper handouts of the lecture, but nearly forgot about this concept over the time.
A few years later, he was working as engineer developing motor control units, which have circuits somewhat more complex. A colleague asked him to search an error and showed him his output in the form of line graphs. They both tried to find the error, but at first they had to figure out, which line refers to which voltage or current. After they had understood the lines, the error was quickly found.
That was when he realized that integrated graphical elements not only are needed in education, but even more when the circuits get more complex. So he began to develop the CNS.

In the year 2000, navigation systems were rarely used on streets. This changed quickly when a GPS-signal became available.
Nowadays, traditional road maps are rarely used because they got replaced by navigation systems.
We want to bring the same changes to the world of electronics as navigation systems brought to roads. So that in a few years, the line graphs are widely replaced by our new integrated graphics.
Because the CNS has similar advantages over line graphs as navigation systems have over road maps, as explained in this video .
The CNS is a computer program that runs on Windows OS and on Unix
(tested on windows10 and on Kubuntu18.04).
It is a java program that runs on a JRE newer than version 1.8
It can read circuit files in .cir format from the both free and open source circuit creation programs...
... KiCad Eeschema,
... Autodesk E.A.L.E.
... and Q.U.C.S
(tested with EEschema 5.1.4 and with qucs versions 0.0.17 - 0.0.19)
It can analyze the circuit ...
...as computer simulation with NGspice
...by entering the values as csv-table
(tested with NGspice versions 30 and 31)
It can output the values
... as image in .png format
... as table in .csv format
... as video in many formats with FFmpeg (tested with version 4.1.4)