The Animated CAD

Recent news:
CirNavSys has been renamed to Animated CAD, short Ani-CAD.
Because since version 1.4.7. it has an integrated circuit editor, and therefor is no longer just a simulator, but a full Computer Aided Design ("CAD") program for electric circuits.
01 The Animated CAD is...
The Ani-Cad is a circuit analysis program. You can analyze electric circuits with the Ani-Cad and get the current and voltage values.
But unlike all other circuit analysis programs, it does not simply give you a screen full of line graphs and then leaves you alone when it comes to finding out what the circuit really does.
Instead, the Ani-Cad shows you where to find which voltage and where to find which current.
02 The Animated CAD does...
The Ani-Cad integrates the currents and voltages directly into the circuit diagram and outputs a combined, integrated representation.
The representation as a circuit diagram with graphically integrated currents and voltages enable you to recognise correlations at a glance:
Where you used to have to assign curve diagrams and components yourself, now pictures and videos show the correlations.
03 The Animated-CAD helps...
Coordinating components of the circuit and lines of the graph once has been the most time consuming and most exhausting task in every circuit analysis.
But now it's done by a machine!
You don't need to do that in your head anymore, now you can concentrate on the circuit, and understand what's going on easier and faster.
04 The Animated CAD runs...
Under Windows and Linux.
It can read in circuit diagrams from KiCad, from EAGLE and from QUCS, and then calculate the current and voltage values via an enhanced SPICE simulator.
It can output the values as conventional curve diagrams as well as easy-to-understand integrated graphics in the form of pictures or videos.
Introduction video:
Get your AnimatedCAD:
Download the Animated CAD and run it in the free version:
maximal 10 components
maximal 10 nodes
maximal 1 001 datapoints
maximal 100 lines of spice models
maximal 1 line graph
The free version available on our download-site, and can be used as long as you want.
Upgrade your AniCad to the full version without any limits:
unlimited number of components
unlimited number of nodes
unlimited number of datapoints
unlimited size of spice models
unlimited number of line graphs
The full version upgrade costs 250€ once, and can be used for as long as you want. Alternatively, we offer a 1-year full version upgrade for 100€ and a 3-month full version upgrade for 30€.
Upgrade your AniCad to the hobby version for your project:
maximal 25 components
maximal 25 nodes
maximal 5 001 datapoints
maximal 1 000 lines of spice models
unlimited number of line graphs
The hobby version upgrade costs 50€ once, and can be used for as long as you want.
Get your video created by us:
You do not have the time to create the videos? Get it done by our AniCad experts!
Fill out this form to contact us, so that we can create your video.
Our latest video project was created for the eSaver GmbH - watch it on youtube in english, in german, or in french.

Usage example:

This is what you see, when you start the CirNavSys

Let's open a circuit via the menu at the top

This video can be found at

This is what you see, when you start the CirNavSys
Would you like to find out more?
Infos for students
Overview for students
Introduction article about learning and teaching
Collection of circuits as images on this website
Collection of circuits as videos on youtube
Infos for professors
Overview for professors
Introduction article about learning and teaching
Statistical article about CirNavSys in education
Collection of circuits as images on this website
Collection of circuits as videos on youtube
Infos for technicians and engineers
Introduction article about CirNavSys in engineering
Article on how the CirNavSys increases efficiency